Land management and geospatial science arc closely related. Land management deals with pubĀ lic policy interventions in use and disposal rights of private land. This has huge implications for the effectiveness, allocative efficiency, democratic legitimacy, and justice of the use of the scarce resource of land. This in turn requires reliable geospatial information to enable land management to make informed decisions about the allocation and distribution of land uses. So. ultimately, land management needs geospatial science, and without geospatial science a smart land management (whatever this entails) is very difficult. The relation between land management and geospatial analysis is thereby by no means static. Both fields are highly dynamic. In land management, urbanization, climate change, demographic change, geopolitical aspects. or increasing diversification of society, land reforms, or economic growth imply adjustments and dynamics in land management. Many of such aspects are accelerated in Asian countries-especially in emerging economies in the Pacific rim. This makes a volume on land management in Asia interesting in itself. Geospatial science has also been developing quickly over the past decades. Foremost, the rapid digitalization. big data, improved possibilities of remote sensing; progressing artificial intelligence; or increasing possibilities and integration of applications in practice create new possibilities but also challenges. Many of the challenges are addressed in the chapters or this book. This makes the book relevant for geospatial science.
Sejak keputusan COP-13 tentang REDD+ pada 2007 yang mengamanatkan negara pihak untuk dapat melaksanakan kegiatan demontrasi sebagai sarana pembelajaran untuk pelaksanaan REED+, Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara berkembang dengan luas kawasan hutan yang signifikan telah banyak melaksanakan kegiatan demontrasi baik dengan sumber daya sendiri maupun bantuan dari pihak-pihak terkait. Penyiapan kerangka kerja (framework) readiness yang mencakup aspek Reference Emission Level/Referemce Level (REL/RL), Intervensi kebijakan untuk penanganan penyebab deforestasi dan degradasi hutan, Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV), Pendanaan dan distribusi manfaat telah dicanangkan sejak tahun 2009.
Buku ini bisa dijadikan pedoman dasar khususnya untuk meningkatkan pemahaman petani tentang dinamika iklim, cara pengamatan dan pemanfaatan data iklim dalam mendukung kegiatan usaha tani. Panduan ini bersifat umum dan dapat digunakan sebagai pengantar awal dalam pelaksanaan SLI (Sekolah Lapangan Iklim) di berbagai daerah.
This report highlights set of major issues related to Urbanisation in Pakistan which include; rise in informal settlements in urban centres, increasing urban poverty, poor water and sanitation management in urbanizing areas and related prevalence of health problemsms, lack of rights for urban women particularly those who are informally employed, rising urban and food security and lack of policy and action on urban disaster preparedness